The Signature 8-Week 🌟Result Guaranteed🌟 Coaching Program to Escape the Vape For Good

The Signature 8-Week

🌟Result Guaranteed🌟 Coaching Program to Escape the Vape For Good


I Understand What You're Going Through...

You’ve built a successful career and manage a busy household. But there's one thing that you just can't seem to get under control— your vaping. You’ve tried to quit, but it feels impossible. You’re scared of gaining weight, afraid of what quitting will do to your stress levels, and worried that you won’t be able to keep up with everything if you give it up."

  • It’s your last crutch, the only thing left between you and all the pressure of your day to day life…

  • You know it’s hurting you, but the thought of having to deal with everything without it is even scarier…

  • You’re hiding it from your kids and feeling like a hypocrite when you tell them not to vape…

  • You’re constantly throwing them out in the trash just to find yourself rushing to get a new one when it all just becomes “too much to handle”...

  • You’re constantly worried about being “found out”...

  • You feel shameful and weak for letting it get to this point…

Why You Haven't Been Able To Quit:

The Truth is, vaping isn’t just about nicotine. It’s your crutch for managing stress, emotions, and the constant pressure of being a mom, a high performer in your career, and a woman who’s supposed to have it all figured out. 

  • You’ve tried to quit before, but willpower simply wasn’t enough.

  • The withdrawal period feels unbearable.

  • You’re afraid that quitting will make you gain weight—and you won’t be able to handle life without it.

  • You’ve been trying to quit without a framework that addresses all three levels of addiction—chemical, mental, and emotional.

The REAL Problem Is NOT Nicotine...

Alright, I know what you’re thinking, “Of course the real problem is nicotine. It’s addictive and that’s why I haven’t been able to quit, duh!” But just hear me out for a second. Nicotine is not the real problem. It’s only a small part of the problem. In reality, the chemical addiction to nicotine is ONLY 1/3 of the real problem. The other 2/3s of the problem, the real reasons you haven’t been able to quit, are the mental and emotional addictions that have nothing to do with the chemical addiction to nicotine.


The real problem is that vaping actually has 3 addictions. That means if you want to quit without using willpower, you will have to address all 3. I created a framework that does exactly that. It's called the 3 Addiction Framework, and it works by getting to the chemical, mental and emotional reasons why you vape so you can finally quit and mean it.  


By dealing with all 3 addictions surrounding vaping, the Escape the Vape program is the complete and permanent solution to quitting.

Escape the Vape is an 8-week coaching program that guarantees you’ll quit vaping without relying on willpower or gaining weight. I’ll walk you through a proven framework that addresses not just your chemical addiction, but the mental and emotional reasons that keep you vaping. With weekly 1-on-1 coaching and 24/7 access via Telegram, I’ll help you manage stress, cravings, and life’s challenges—without turning to nicotine or sacrificing your busy lifestyle.

What You'll Get

  • Private coaching sessions with Andrew each week: Personalized support to work through your unique challenges and lifestyle.

  • Full access to Andrew via Telegram: Ongoing support between sessions, so you’re never alone in this process.

  • Escape the Vape curriculum: An 8-week step-by-step program to quitting vaping that addresses the mental, emotional, and chemical reasons you’re vaping.

  • Mindset Mastery: Gain the emotional tools you need to manage cravings, stress, and overwhelm with confidence.

  • Guaranteed success.

Your Transformation

  • Finally quit vaping without having to gain weight.

  • Learn to manage stress without relying on vaping.

  • Feel like the badass mom and role model you know you are—without the shame or guilt.

  • Teach your kids how to manage their own challenges, using the same tools you’ll learn in the program.


"After being a nicotine addict for over 25 years, this is by far the best solution I've ever found. There is no reason why this program shouldn't work for anybody who takes it seriously."

Angela had been vaping since the beginning of the industry. And before that, she'd been smoking since high school. Angela knew that vaping wasn't aligning with the person and mother she wanted to be, but she found it so incredibly hard to quit vaping, especially compared to how much easier it was for her to quit smoking. Angela found this program online and was able to quit vaping for good within just one week. Although one week is a bit fast for most students that come through this program, she is an example of what's possible when you deal with all 3 addictions.


"Now my daughter doesn't have to grow up watching her mom struggle with addiction."

Emily had been vaping for years and every time she tried to quit, she ended up either gaining weight or snapping after a stressful day at work. Either way, the result was always the same: a broken promise to herself about quitting. Emily found this program and decided it time to make a realchange and figure out why vaping had been so difficult to quit. Although it took Emily a little bit of time to apply what she learned, she was finally able to escape the vape. But what's even more amazing is that she was able to apply the same tools from vaping over to food. The last time I spoke with Emily, she was not just vape-free, but also l5 pounds lighter than when she was still vaping! That's what happens when you deal with the mental and emotional addictions behind vaping, it applies to other substances like food and alcohol, too.


You’ve tried before, but this time is different. Here’s why: The 3 Addiction Framework.

Escape the Vape isn’t just about nicotine—it’s about breaking free from the chemical, mental, and emotional chains that keep you vaping.

-No more willpower battles. This framework is designed to work with your brain and body, not against it.

-No weight gain. You’ll learn exactly how to quit without turning to food as a replacement.

-No waiting for the ‘right time.’ We work with your schedule and lifestyle, so you don’t have to hit pause on life to quit.

Addiction 1: CHEMICAL

The chemical addiction to nicotine is the one that most people focus 100% of their attention on. It is the only one of the 3 addictions that keeps you vaping, but has nothing to do with why you started in the first place. When you only focus on nicotine as the problem, you are left to rely on willpower, which doesn’t work! NIcotine is addictive, so the chemical addiction is real and important, but it's just one third of the whole picture.

Addiction 2: MENTAL

The mental addiction is made up of all of our unconscious programming about vaping, ourselves, and our environment. Although it may not be clear to you yet, if you are vaping it is because you have “vape programming” installed into you, typically since you were a little kid. If you want to quit without relying on willpower for the rest of your life, you will have to change your programming surrounding vaping. In other words, you will have to take care of your mental addiction to vaping. If you think about it, the reason you have to use willpower in the first place is because you have been willing yourself (against your own unconscious beliefs) to quit. Using willpower while still mentally addicted is like playing tug-of-war against yourself. You always lose when you battle against yourself. 

Addiction 3: EMOTIONAL

Just like the Mental Addiction, the Emotional Addiction is one that most people completely miss and then try to willpower over. If you feel emotions like fear, dread, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or panic when you try to quit, you’re emotionally addicted to vaping. That simply means you’ve learned to use vaping to soothe your emotions for you. You can think of it kind of like a baby learning how to comfort itself with a binky, or pacifier. So, if you want to quit without feeling crappy for the rest of your life or replacing vaping with another substance like food, you are going to have to eliminate the Emotional Addiction to vaping.


  • You’re a high-achieving mom juggling a career, a home, and your kids’ futures, but you’re hiding your vaping.

  • You’ve told yourself you’ll quit tomorrow—only to buy a new vape when it all feels too much to handle alone

  • You’re afraid of gaining weight if you quit but equally scared of the damage vaping is doing to your health.

  • You feel like you’ve tried everything, and nothing works.

  • You’re scared and ashamed. You think not being able to quit makes you weak and you’re just waiting to be “found out”.

It's Time To Try Something Different.


Imagine yourself waking up just 8 weeks from now and not thinking about vaping. Imagine handling stress without needing to sneak off for a quick hit or squeeze in a vape store run on your way home from work. Imagine yourself completely vape-free, without the cravings that used to plague you and without having put on a single pound. Imagine feeling aligned with your values and actually showing up as the role model you want to be for your kids, shame-free and not feeling like a hypocrite under the surface. 

This Program Will Make This Into Your Reality.

Hi, I’m Andrew, and I know what it’s like to feel trapped by vaping.

I vaped for 7 years, and before that, I smoked cigarettes. I tried quitting more times than I can count—probably more than 50. I even went to my doctor, who suggested nicotine replacement therapies, but no matter what I tried, I kept falling back into the same old habits.

For a long time, I didn’t believe I could actually quit. It was my last crutch and I din't think I could face my life and business without it. But then, I realized something: it wasn’t just the nicotine keeping me hooked. The real reasons we vape go much deeper than that.

Once I figured out how to deal with my mental addiction —the thoughts and beliefs I had programmed into myself over the years— I finally started to make progress. I learned how to manage my cravings, deal with emotions without reaching for my vape, and take control of my life again. I put down my last vape in September of 2021 and didn't touch nicotine for 2.5 years.

Here’s the thing: I don’t believe nicotine itself is necessarily a “bad guy.” Like caffeine, alcohol, or even sugar, it can be enjoyed responsibly. The key is understanding all 3 addictions —the chemical, mental, and emotional ones. Once you conquer those, you’ll have the freedom to decide for yourself whether you want to quit for good or maintain a healthier relationship with nicotine.

A lot of people who go through this program decide they never want to go back, but some find a balance that works for them. And that’s okay, too.

This program isn’t about shame or judgment. It’s about giving you the tools to quit and then decide how nicotine fits into your life—if at all. I know quitting feels impossible sometimes, but trust me—if I can do it, you can too. I've helped thousands of people all around the world and I'd like you to be one of them.


"I am now vape free and feel soooo much better already. This program actually made it easy!"

Megan knew that she wanted to quit vaping for herself and her two young kids, but she was having a remarkably difficult time making it past the first few days. She found this program and once she learned about all 3 addictions, it made so much sense to her why she'd been struggling. She was finally able to quit and today she shows up as the mother she wants to show up as, fully present and in alignment with her values.


I respect your time and genuinely want to built a real relationship with you that fosters vulnerability and mutual respect. For that reason, I am transparent with my pricing. If you are on the fence about the price or the package as a whole, please do not let that stop you from at least getting on a call and having your questions answered.


  • Package Length: 8 Weeks

  • Price: $2,000 (or 2 monthly payments of $1,050)

  • Access: You will get:

    • 8, 60-minute weekly coaching calls on Zoom

    • A very structured step-by-step quitting framework with simple home work assignments each week

    • Full access to the Escape the Vape Program/Curriculum for Life

    • Unlimited access to me between sessions on the Telegram app.

  • Results:

    • By the end of the program, you will have EITHER: quit vaping for good, or decided that you still want nicotine to play a part in your life and have full control over it. However, I do recommend you quit for at least 30 days so your brain can fully recover before deciding to use nicotine again.



WEEK 1: Why You Vape - an introduction into the 3 addictions and planning your life post-vaping.

WEEK 2: Dopamine, Nicotine & Your Brain - Understand how vaping affects your brain, motivation and drive.

WEEK 3: The Chemical Addiction - learning about the real chemical addiction to nicotine and the nicotine withdrawal timeline.

WEEK 4: The Mental Addiction - learn how to become unaddicted to nicotine mentally.

WEEK 5: The Emotional Addiction - overcome the emotional addiction.

WEEK 6: Quit Week - quit and work through the chemical addiction.

WEEK 7: Post-Quit Week - Review what happened and troubleshoot if needed.

WEEK 8: Review & Next Steps - celebrate and create a framework to maintain success moving forward.


Although this package is technically about you quitting vaping and will guarantee you that result, I believe the thought and emotional regulation skills you learn in this program should be taught to kids when they are still young. That's why I generally target moms, so I can help them first and then they can turn around and use these tools to help their kids and families. My coaching is practical, fun, and designed to help you build the relationship with yourself you want and deserve so you can show up that way for yourself and the people you love. If you're thinking about this program but unsure, hop on a call and let's have a zero-pressure chat!

Result Guarantee

I’m so confident that you’ll break free from vaping with this program that I offer a 100% Result Guarantee. If you aren't completely satisfied after 8 weeks of coaching, I offer an additional 8 weeks of continued 1-on-1 support completely for FREE to GUARANTEE your success.

Limited Spots Available - Book Your Consultation Today

I only work with 3 clients each month, so you’ll get the focused, personalized support you deserve. If you’re ready to finally quit vaping for good, book your consultation today to learn more.

Life Coach Andrew, 2024 | PRVATE POLICY | TERMS | CONTACT