Break Free From Vaping So You Can Start To Take Your Life Back

Break Free From Vaping So You Can Start To Take Your Life Back

-Because You're Better Than Addiction-

I Understand What You're Going Through...

You’re feeling trapped right now. You don’t want to be vaping anymore but at the same time, you’re dreading your life without it. You feel guilty because you know that the way you’re vaping doesn’t align with the person you want to be. You’re feeling guilty and honestly, you’re a bit disgusted with yourself for letting it get to this point. 

You’ve tried everything to quit… throwing them out and promising yourself you wouldn’t buy another. You’ve tried nicotine replacement, willpower, and quitting it all by yourself. But you just keep falling back into old patterns. It’s like you just black out and go full zombie mode. Then, you wake up with a vape in your hand. 

I Want You To Know... It's NOT Your Fault!

The solutions you’ve tried, the ones you’ve been told to try, they simply don’t work. If they did, you wouldn’t be reading this. The reason why those solutions don’t work is because they focus on willpower. Willpower is NOT a good solution to quitting vaping because it doesn’t address the full problem... 

The REAL Problem Is NOT Nicotine...

Alright, I know what you’re thinking, “Of course the real problem is nicotine. It’s addictive and that’s why I haven’t been able to quit, duh!” But just hear me out for a second. Nicotine is not the real problem because it’s only a small part of the problem. In reality, the chemical addiction to nicotine is ONLY 1/3 of the real problem. The other 2/3s of the problem, the real reasons you haven’t been able to quit, are the mental and emotional addictions that have nothing to do with the chemical addiction to nicotine.


The real problem is that vaping actually has 3 addictions. That means if you want to quit without using willpower, you will have to address all 3. I created a framework that does exactly that. It's called the 3 Addiction Framework, and it works by getting to the chemical, mental and emotional reasons why you vape so you can finally quit and mean it.  


"After being a nicotine addict for over 25 years, this is by far the best solution I've ever found. There is literally no reason why this program shouldn't work for anybody who takes it."

Angela had been vaping since the beginning of the industry. And before that, she'd been smoking since high school. Angela knew that vaping wasn't aligning with the person and mother she wanted to be, but she found it so incredibly hard to quit vaping, especially compared to how much easier it was for her to quit smoking. Angela found this program online and was able to quit vaping for good within just one week. Although one week is a bit fast for most students that come through this program, she is an example of what's possible when you deal with all 3 addictions.


"Now my daughter doesn't have to grow up watching her mom struggle with addiction."

Emily had been vaping for years and every time she tried to quit, she ended up either gaining weight or snapping after a stressful day at work. Either way, the result was always the same: a broken promise to herself about quitting. Emily found this program and decided it time to make a realchange and figure out why vaping had been so difficult to quit. Although it took Emily a little bit of time to apply what she learned, she was finally able to escape the vape. But what's even more amazing is that she was able to apply the same tools from vaping over to food. The last time I spoke with Emily, she was not just vape-free, but also l5 pounds lighter than when she was still vaping! That's what happens when you deal with the mental and emotional addictions behind vaping, it applies to other substances like food and alcohol, too.


By dealing with all 3 addictions surrounding vaping, the Escape the Vape program is the complete and permanent solution to quitting.


Addiction 1: CHEMICAL

The chemical addiction to nicotine is the one that most people focus 100% of their attention on. It is the only one of the 3 addictions that keeps you vaping, but has nothing to do with why you started in the first place. When you only focus on nicotine as the problem, you are left to rely on willpower, which doesn’t work! NIcotine is addictive, so the chemical addiction is real and important, but it's just one third of the whole picture.

Addiction 2: MENTAL

The mental addiction is made up of all of our unconscious programming about vaping, ourselves, and our environment. Although it may not be clear to you yet, if you are vaping it is because you have “vape programming” installed into you, typically since you were a little kid. If you want to quit without relying on willpower for the rest of your life, you will have to change your programming surrounding vaping. In other words, you will have to take care of your mental addiction to vaping. If you think about it, the reason you have to use willpower in the first place is because you have been willing yourself (against your own unconscious beliefs) to quit. Using willpower while still mentally addicted is like playing tug-of-war against yourself. You always lose when you battle against yourself. 

Addiction 3: EMOTIONAL

Just like the Mental Addiction, the Emotional Addiction is one that most people completely miss and then try to willpower over. If you feel emotions like fear, dread, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or panic when you try to quit, you’re emotionally addicted to vaping. That simply means you’ve learned to use vaping to soothe your emotions for you. You can think of it kind of like a baby learning how to comfort itself with a binky, or pacifier. So, if you want to quit without feeling crappy for the rest of your life or replacing vaping with another substance like food, you are going to have to eliminate the Emotional Addiction to vaping.

Hi, I’m Andrew, and I know what it’s like to feel trapped by vaping.

I vaped for 7 years, and before that, I smoked cigarettes. I tried quitting more times than I can count—probably more than 50. I even went to my doctor, who suggested nicotine replacement therapies, but no matter what I tried, I kept falling back into the same old habits.

For a long time, I didn’t believe I could actually quit. But then, I realized something: it wasn’t just the nicotine keeping me hooked. The real reasons we vape go much deeper than that.

Once I figured out how to deal with my mental addiction —the thoughts and beliefs I had programmed into myself over the years— I finally started to make progress. I learned how to manage my cravings, deal with emotions without reaching for my vape, and take control of my life again. I put down my last vape in September of 2021 and didn't touch nicotine for 2.5 years.

Here’s the thing: I don’t believe nicotine itself is necessarily a “bad guy.” Like caffeine, alcohol, or even sugar, it can be enjoyed responsibly. The key is understanding all 3 addictions —the chemical, mental, and emotional ones. Once you conquer those, you’ll have the freedom to decide for yourself whether you want to quit for good or maintain a healthier relationship with nicotine.

A lot of people who go through this program decide they never want to go back, but some find a balance that works for them. And that’s okay, too.

This program isn’t about shame or judgment. It’s about giving you the tools to quit and then decide how nicotine fits into your life—if at all. I know quitting feels impossible sometimes, but trust me—if I can do it, you can too. And I’m here to show you how.


⬇️ Because Quitting Should Be THIS Simple ⬇️

The Escape the Vape program gives you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step, framework for checking off all 3 addictions without needing to use willpower. And, it’s designed to be tailored to your own schedule and quitting needs. That means you can complete the program as quickly or slowly as you’d like.

All you have to do is:

  • Click the button below to sign up

  • Login to the program

  • Follow The Freedom Gameplan step-by-step

You Can Quit, Too. Just Like Chase!

"At first, I was skeptical, but then it actually worked!

Sign up. You have nothing to lose and you won't regret it."


Chase had been vaping for 6 years. He started in the bathrooms in high school and quickly found ways to buy his own. Like so many other vapers, he thought quitting would be just as easy as starting had been. But after years of failed attempts, he was losing hope… until he found the Escape the Vape Program. 

At first, he was skeptical. Who wouldn’t be after so many failed attempts. But after deciding he had nothing to lose, he signed up and was finally able to ditch the vape for good. The program worked so well for him that he doesn’t even feel the urge to vape even when he goes out drinking with friends and what he learned has positively affected other areas of his life, too. Those are the powerful results you can expect as well when you overcome all 3 addictions and escape vaping at the root. 


Anybody can afford this program.

This program is priced to be an absolute no-brianined for anyone who wants to quit vaping. The course motto is “If you can afford to vape, you can afford to learn how to quit” In addition, payment plans are offered to make the cost of quitting less than the cost of vaping so you will start MAKING MONEY the moment you quit. That means this program isn't just affordable, it's an investment that pays immediate returns!

You Don’t Have To Worry About Gaining Weight.

Inside the program, you will find The "Weight Management Post Vaping Guide" that will ensure you don’t gain weight or replace vaping with eating after you quit. That means you can quit for good without having to worry about gaining the "Freshman 15" so you can look and feel good in your vape-free life.

you have all the support you could possibly need.

I want you to have all the support that you need to quit. So in addition to Lifetime access to the program, you will also get a Free, 30-day check-up call with me, Andrew, to check in and celebrate or to create an actionable plan in case you're still struggling. This is a limited time offer, so act fast!

The program can be done on your own schedule.

No matter how much or how little time you have, the Escape the Vape Program is designed to be completed at your own pace. You have Lifetime access to the program and everything you need to quit when it’s right for you and this program will start to EARN YOU MONEY the moment you quit, so what are you waiting for? Click the button below!


"Even just this first week of being nicotine free hasn't felt difficult at all compared to what feels like 20,000 times I've tried!"

Sally had been "stuck in the vape trap for many years" when she stumbled upon this program. Once she learned about all 3 addictions, she was shocked to experience how simple it became to finally break free for good, even when she went out drinking with her friends.


"I am now vape free and feel soooo much better already. This program actually made it easy!"

Megan knew that she wanted to quit vaping for herself and her two young kids, but she was having a remarkably difficult time making it past the first few days. Once she found this program and learned about all 3 addictions, it made so much sense to her why she'd been struggling and she was finally able to quit and mean it.


"I NEEDED to find this."

Madison had been vaping for a few years and she was really frustrated at herself for not being able to quit. She found this program and everything immediately started to make sense. After finally quitting, Madison was thrilled how much better her life got without the constant looping vape thoughts hanging over her head. "My life without nicotine has been Incredible!"

You’ve Tried Before And Failed...

  • “I’ve tried quitting before, but I always fail.”

  • “I don’t have the willpower to make it last.”

  • “I’m afraid of gaining weight.”

  • “I don’t have time for a big program.”

  • “What if it doesn’t work?”

Here’s Why This Time Will Be Different:

The truth is, when you don’t address the Mental and Emotional addictions, you are left to use willpower. Willpower doesn’t work. If it did, nobody would have trouble quitting and you wouldn’t be reading this page right now. Once you get to all 3 addictions behind vaping, you no longer need to fight yourself or use willpower. Dealing with all 3 addictions makes quitting vaping goes being a never-ending uphill battle, to a simple and achievable reality.

A lot of people are scared that if they quit vaping, they will end up turning to food or gaining weight to cope with their lives. In a lot of cases, that is a very real possibility. But by dealing with the Emotional Addiction, you learn how to overcome not just vape cravings, but also cravings for food. In addition, the Weight Management Post Vaping guide will show you exactly how you can quit vaping without feeling like you need food (or any other substance) to quit. 

Finally, the Escape the Vape Program is designed to fit into your life and your schedule, no matter how much you personally have going on in your life. It is a self-paced program that you can do from the comfort of your home or anywhere on the go. Plus, you get lifetime access to the entire program. So you can enroll today and complete the program when it's right for you. 


The 3 Addiction Main Video Course

-Mastering the Chemical, Mental and Emotional Addictions-


The 3 Addiction course will take you through all 3 addictions, one-by-one, so you can finally understand the complete picture of vaping, and be able to quit for real.

What's Included:

  • The 3 Addiction Framework

  • 6 Step-by-step video modules

  • BONUS module on dopamine, pleasure and motivation (relevant to ALL substances)

  • Understand the big picture

  • Exactly what you need to make quitting last, and nothing you don't

The Freedom Gameplan

-The Step-by-Step Guide From Vaping to Freedom-


The Freedom Gameplan is the step-by-step checklist of exactly how to take this  program - from start to finish - from vaping to freedom. All you have to do is complete the checklist, one-by-one to ensure your quitting success.

What's Included:

  • The Freedom Checklist - the step-by-step checklist for how to take the program to guarantee success

  • All the exercises and worksheets for the program in one place

  • NO more confusion, frustration, or overwhelm

BONUS: Andrew's Declassifed Withdrawal Survival Guide

-How to Crush the First 10 Days of quitting (and beyond)-


Man, I wish I had this resource when I was first quitting. The Withdrawal Survival guide is going to make getting past the first 10 days (and beyond) a breeze. This survival guide was created to help you through the initial quitting cravings and withdrawal.

What's Included:

  • How to overcome the chemical and emotional withdrawals 

  • The "SDB" Craving Method

  • 5 downlaodable "Craving Hack" audios

  • l5 BONUS craving hacks

  • 5 meditations

  • A science-backed timeline of the chemical withdrawal

BONUS: The Weight Management Post Vaping Guide

-How to Quit Vaping and Not Gain Weight-


The Weight Management Post Vaping Guide will show you exactly how you can quit without gaining weight (AKA: the Quit Vaping 15).

What's Included:

  • The science behind nicotine and appetite suppression. 

  • How to overcome food cravings in a society designed to overeat. 

  • How to manage your cravings for food while you are quitting vaping

  • Exercises to help you overcome both physical. hunger and emotional discomfort.

  • Education about overhunger and overdesire and the foods that create it.

  • Education about high-insulin foods so you can use it to burn more fat.

  • A meal planner template for the first week of quitting vaping.

  • A 3-part action plan to manage your weight while you quit.

BONUS: The Vaping TRUTH Handbook

-A Biased-free Guide to the REAL Effects of Vaping-


The Vaping Truth handbook is a collection of the most recent scientific information on vaping and its real effects on your physical and mental health. This is a no-nonsense resource guide designed to be simple and easy to understand. It includes information from l9 different credible -and cited- resources.

What's Included:

  • The Science-Backed physical health effects of vaping

  • The Science-Backed mental health effects of vaping

  • A list of harmful ingredients in vapes and how they affect your body

  • A list of 6 "vape-basics" that every vaper should know and understand.

  • A BONUS resource guide to get further support

BONUS: The Budget Liberation Handbook

-How Much You'll Save When You Quit & How to Manage it-


Let’s face it, when you quit vaping, you are going to have some extra cash in your pocket. In fact, you will be surprised to see just how much money you will save when you quit vaping. The Budget Liberation Handbook will show you just how much you will save and give you a bunch of simple and realistic ways to invest or spend that money to get the most benefit from quitting. 

What's Included:

  • The REAL costs of vaping

  • How much you will save

  • 7 actionable and realistic ways to invest your savings from day one

BONUS: Quit For the Last Time eBook

-A collection of Short Stories to Help You Overcome the Mental Addiction-


This eBook is a collection of stories from Andrew’s life that will help you solidify what you learned about overcoming the mental addiction. It is a fun and entertaining way to apply the 3 Addiction framework even deeper in your own life to ensure the material sticks. 

What's Included:

  • l5 short stories to help you apply what you learn to your own life

BONUS: How To Help Your Kids Quit, Too

-How to Bring this Information to the Ones You Love-


Are there other people in your life who you would like to help quit vaping as well? If so, this bonus module will show you exactly how to position yourself to make your loved ones want to learn and apply the 3 Addiction framework for themselves as well. It doesn’t just have to be for kids, this module will also help you with people like your boyfriend/ girlfriend, your siblings, your parents, or even your co-workers. As a bonus, what you learn inside will also strengthen your relationships as a whole… even with people who aren’t vaping!

What's Included:

  • How to bring this course to your loved ones so they can quit, too

  • How to quit without it hurting your relationships

  • 3 BONUS relationship tools to help you improve your relationships deepen

BONUS: Manifestation & Desire

-How to Use the 3 Addiction Framework to Create Other Things You Want-


Let’s be clear: You DON’T have to be woo-woo in any way, shape or form to take this program. However, I am. So, I created a bonus module for you to learn how to use the 3 addiction framework to manifest and create other desirable results in your life like losing weight, attracting relationships, or achieving work/professional goals.

What's Included:

  • The 3 Rules of Manifestation

  • The Desire Tank: How to increase your motivation, drive and pleasure

  • The 4 Steps of Manifestation

  • 6 Bonus manifestation exercises


  • The 3 Addiction Main Video Course...........................................($997 Value)

  • The Freedom Gameplan...............................................................($297 Value)

  • BONUS Andrew's Declassifed Withdrawal Survival Guid...........($247 Value)

  • BONUS: The Weight Management Post Vaping Guide................($197 Value)

  • BONUS: The Quit Vaping TRUTH Handbook................................($197 Value)

  • BONUS: The Budget Liberation Handbook.................................($197 Value)

  • BONUS: Quit For the Last Time eBook.........................................($47 Value)

  • BONUS: How To Help Your Kids Quit, Too...................................($147 Value)

  • BONUS: Manifestation & Desire..................................................($147 Value)

  • The 3 Addiction Main Video Course

    ($997 Value)

  • The Freedom Gameplan

    ($297 Value)

  • BONUS: Withdrawal Survival Guide

    ($247 Value)

  • BONUS: Weight Management Post Vaping Guide

    ($197 Value)

  • BONUS: The Quit Vaping TRUTH Handbook

    ($197 Value)

  • BONUS: The Budget Liberation Handbook

    ($197 Value)

  • BONUS : Quit For the Last Time eBook

    ($47 Value)

  • BONUS: Help Your Kids Quit, Too

    ($147 Value)

  • BONUS: Manifestation & Desire

    ($147 Value)



  • Yearly Cost of Vaping.....($1,820/year)

  • Future Medical Issues........($50,000+)

  • Years of Your Life.............(PRICELESS)




Join Now, Escape And Start Saving Today:

Real People. Real Results.


“I’ve been sober for almost 3 years, but had a slippery slope with vaping. Finding you was a blessing. The shackles are off my ankles!”


"The way you teach how vaping is tied to emotions really resonates with me. Knowing that not only helped me quit, but also helps me cope with my emotions better than I have before."


"The way I feel now- it feels sooooo silly that I didn’t quit sooner."


"Just wanted to say you've helped me tremendously. I'm starting to question now why I felt so dependant on this stick of poison???"


How long will it take to quit?

The short answer is it depends.

I’ve had students take this program and come out vape-free in less than a week. I’ve also had students that need to take things a bit slower while they learn how to apply the concepts to their own life.The main 3 Addiction course modules and the Freedom Gameplan Workbook will take you about l2-l4 hours from start to finish to complete.

However, quitting vaping is a lifestyle change that will affect your life in many different ways. The goal of this program is not necessarily to get a fast result, but rather to learn concepts that will get you a permanent result.

I (Andrew) personally think a good time-range for the average student to learn and apply the course concepts so they can quit and make it last is about 30 days. That is exactly why I include a -LIMITED TIME- 30-day follow-up call with my students for bonus support.

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Can I follow the program on my own schedule?

Yes. You will have Lifetime access to the complete program and any potential future updates. This program works best when you decide how much time is right for you to devote to it and to take it in whatever timeframe feels right to you. It absolutely will work on your own schedule. In fact, it was designed to.

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What if I’ve tried other programs before?

Listen, I completely understand if you’ve tried other programs and methods that have not delivered like you were hoping they would have. I tried everything to quit during my 9+ years of nicotine addiction and nothing seemed to work.

The reason this program is so effective is because it covers all 3 reasons that have kept you from successfully quitting in the past.

It's my goal to make this program as successful as possible for my students. I don’t want this to be “another disappointment” for you on your quitting journey, and I MEAN that. That is why I offer the 21-day support call to make your changes of success as likely as possible.

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What if I start vaping again?

To be completely honest, the goal of this program is NOT to never touch another vape/nicotine again. The goal of this program is to get to the real root problems that have kept you from being in control of nicotine. From that empowered place, you can actually decide if and when nicotine fits into your life.

Even I (Andrew, program creator) still use nicotine on occasion. Nicotine itself is not bad nor evil. It’s a completely neutral substance like alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugars, and can be used responsibly and with control.

The problem with vaping/nicotine comes when we

a) Don’t have control of it

b) It creates results we don’t want in our lives

If after you quit you decide you still want to say yes to hitting the occasional vape, or smoke a cigar at your best friend’s wedding, or use a Zyn pouch while golfing or hanging with your friends, power to you!

However, after quitting for a period of time (the program recommends at least 30 days), you may decide that nicotine no longer has a place in your life. I want my students to empower themselves to make that decision and this program will give you the choice.

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Will this program work for other types of nicotine addiction?

Yes. Because this program is designed to get to the root problems behind nicotine addiction, this program will work for all types of nicotine addiction. It makes no difference if you are smoking cigarettes, using Zyn pouches, cigars, hookah, nicotine gum, etc., this program will work for you.

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Life Coach Andrew, 2024 | PRVATE POLICY | TERMS