Andrew Cipriano: Quit vaping for good program logo


(without using willpower, hypnotherapy scare tactics, or nicotine replacement)

You are in the right place if:

  • You're tired of telling your friends, family and YOURSELF that this is the "last one".

  • You feel trapped behind the fear of the 1st-week wall of suffering (and you're honestly a little scared to face it again).

  • You just want to feel like you can actually trust yourself to not buy another.

  • You're sick of fighting yourself and mad for ever starting.

  • You're worried that you're ALWAYS going to feel like you're missing out if you quit.

  • You feel kinda powerless and it's a real drag.

There it is again, the uncomfortable anxious feeling I'm so familiar with. I can feel my heart racing just a little faster. There's that longing to have it in my hand, I start to think about it. It's the ONLY thing I can think about.

Then, I start to argue with myself. I know I told myself I wouldn't do it anymore, but I can't stop thinking about it. The thought of taking that one hit would bring me so much relief. It would feel so good to just give in. And I'm back to arguing with myself. I said I wouldn't! I want to quit this shit . . . but I could always just start tomorrow. This one should be dead by tomorrow.

I snap at someone just for talking to me. I'm antsy and irritated. If I just did it all of this would go away. I wouldn't be feeling this way. Just one hit would bring a wave of calm over my whole body. And finally I wear down. Fuck it. I'll just start Monday... or after that wedding coming up... but then it's Halloween... and my birthday, shit!

I bring it up to my lips and take the hit. For a second, my whole body shutters with relief.

Then... guilt... a lot of it, falls over my chest. Why can't I just give it up?? How did it even get to this point? GOD this shouldn't be so fucking hard! I know I don't want to do this anymore! I want out!

If you have ever felt this way, you are in the right place.

Imagine yourself...

Take a moment to think about times when you're normally vaping:

Imagine yourself when you very first wake up...

While you're looking at your phone before getting out of bed...

Right before you hop in the shower...

Even during your shower...

Before your first sip of water for the day...

While the toaster or coffee pot are working...

While you're driving to work...

After you park and you're about to step out of your car...

On the walk from the parking lot to the building...

In the bathroom after you make an appearence...

When you're waiting for your break...

During your second bathroom break...

During your break...

On the walk back into the building...

The third bathroom break (or fourth)...

Between meetings...

On the way out of the office...

On the way home...

On the way in from the driveway to your house...

When you're out with friends...

When you're not out with fiends...

Right before you close your eyes to drift into sleep...

... I think you get the point...

Vaping seeps into every single moment of your day.

Now imagine yourself... completely free of all of the drama that comes with vaping.

Not because you are trying to quit...

But because you're already a non-vaper.

You have regained control. You're finally free.


(without using willpower, hypnotherapy scare tactics, or nicotine replacement)

I Vaped for YEARS until I Discovered the Secret to Quitting

Hi My name is Andrew. I'm a double-certified life coach with a BA in psychology and I'm a pro when it comes to vaping. I didn't just vape, I've smoked cigarretts, hookah, cigars, joints, blunts, pipes, K2, and even mugwort, whatever that is, lol. If it burns, I've smoked it. I started smoking in highschool. I smoked cigarettes consistently for about 2 years before I switched to vaping for the next 7.

I didn't used to care about quitting and I enjoyed it. But once I felt like I had lost control, almost got fired for vaping at work, and I was noticing some pretty scary health effects, I decided I had to quit.

I tried quitting no shortage of 50 times during my entire 9 years of struggling with nicotine. I seemed to have everything else figured out in my life but quitting vaping left me feeling truly powerless. I felt like a failure when it came to quitting vaping. Honestly, I was.

Andrew Cipriano

In 2021, I learned somthing that COMPLETELY CHANGED MY RELATIONSHIP WITH VAPING. And just like that, I was able to quit... for the last time.

After a lot of trial and error, I was finally able to simplify what I learned and create this program to help people quit by getting to the real problem. In this simple video course, you are going to learn to apply my method by simply watching the videos I have created for you and then applying what you learn into your own life. I designed this program to be simple by getting to the root problem (which is NOT the actualy nicotine addiction).

All you have to do is sit back and watch as your relationship with vaping changes. I am so committed to helping you quit that I even include access to LIVE calls for additional support and a private Discord to have a community of support.

I'm so glad you're here and I can't wait to hear how this program changes your life!

-Andrew Cipriano


(without using willpower, hypnotherapy scare tactics, or nicotine replacement)

Here's Why It Works:

Most people try to quit vaping without understanding the reasons WHY they started in the first place. Then, they try to quit by forcing themselves to simply stop...

This is called quitting with willpower and almost always fails.

The reason why this program works is because it gets to the real reason you vape... which is NOT the nicotine addiction... it is your thoughts and emotions surrounding vaping.

The images below will help you understand why this program works by taking back your control of the root problem:

With this program, you are going to

quit by solving for the root reasons so you can be FREE for GOOD.

I know it sounds a little crazy. After all, you've tried to quit before it's been really hard so it seems almost unbelievable that you could actually make quitting last. It should be harder than that right? It should take longer than that right? You've been vaping and trying to quit for a long time. It's gotta be some long intense process right? NO!!!

Quitting doesn't have to be so hard!

It's only hard when you try to quit without understanding WHY you vape in the first place. That's what most people do. That's why more than 90% of people fail... over and over again

Quitting can actually be pretty EASY when you do it right way.

I've been exactly where you are! I've tried to quit more than 50 times! I tried everything to quit. I tried willpower, I tried hypnotherapy, I tried using gum, lozenges, FOOD you name it I tried it! After being totally frustrated and feeling like giving up I finally learned the secret to quitting for good without using willpower!

I've taken all my mistakes and all the secrets I've learned and condensed them into an amazing and powerful program that will completely change your relationship with vaping. You will never need to go back again! You will finally be done for good!


Quit Vaping for Good Program
  • Program videos teach you WHY you vape

  • Learn how to deal with cravings in a way you've never tried before

  • Optional LIVE calls with the instructor for extra support

  • Private Discord so you don't have to quit alone

  • LIFETIME access to everything so you can learn now and quit when you feel ready

  • Live call replays in case you want to learn from others with similar questions

  • A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee to Make This Program Completely Risk-Free To You

How You've Tried Quitting

  • Anxious

  • Irritable

  • Frustrated

  • Rushed

  • Stressed

  • Sleepless

  • Miserable

  • Guilty

  • Confused

  • Overeating

What The "ONLY 2" Method Gives You

  • Clarity

  • Control

  • Understanding

  • Peace

The reason WHY this method is so powerful for quitting is because it's so SIMPLE!


(without using willpower, hypnotherapy scare tactics, or nicotine replacement)


"The way you teach how vaping is tied to numbing emotions really resonates with me. Knowing that not only helped me quit, but also helps me cope with my emotions better than I have before."


"I am now vape free and feel soooo much better already! Your work actually made it easy!"

- Megan

"I have to say this has been pretty eye opening. I needed to find this!"


The reason this will work for you is because it's so simple. Understand WHY you vape and then solve the problem at it's roots and you quit.

Andrew's Method Course

Total Value: $497

Learn the ONLY 2 things you have to in order to quit for good without willpower, scare tactics, hypnotherapy, or a medically-induced coma. These tools will teach you how to deal with cravings and give you control over your vaping permanently.

Simple Course Workbook

Total Value: $97

This workbook was designed to give you really simple and straightforward tools to apply the matierial so that quitting just makes sense.

The Private Discord

Total Value: $297

Honestly, quitting is a drag when your freinds and family are still out there vaping. The program comes with a private Discord community to give you the support you haven't had before. Sometimes, this alone can make all the difference.

Unlimited Weekly LIVE Instructor Calls/Q&As

Total Value: $997

I genuinely want you to have everything you need to quit for good. The best way for me to ensure that happens is to give you consistent and direct access to me, personally. I want you to succeed and me being available to help you guarantees you have everything you need.


Total Value: $497

I get it... LIVE calls can be scary. That is why I included the audio replays from past calls so you don't personally have to show up and ask questions to get the LIVE call value. Also... you can always reach out to me directly on the Discord.

"15 Beliefs That Made Me a Non-Vaper" BONUS eBook

Total Value: $47

I wrote this eBook as a way to make quitting even easier with direct stores of how I applied the material to my own quitting journey. It is am amazing bonus for the program.

My 1-Week Quitting Journey

Total Value: $97

I know that sounds a little crazy but, I vaped for a week in order to go through my own program. I included a short film of my vaping and quitting journey and I aso used the experience to add some amazing exercises and videos of me sitting with cravings as I was expereincing them. This week and the resources it helped me create are a HUGE value add for the program!

Here's Everything:

  • The "ONLY 2" Method Course......................................($497 VALUE)

  • The Course Workbook......................................................($97 VALUE)

  • Private Discord Community.........................................($297 VALUE)

  • Unlimited LIVE Weekly Q&A Calls..............................($997 VALUE)

  • Coaching Call REPLAYS................................................($497 VALUE)

  • BONUS eBook ...................................................................($47 VALUE)

  • BONUS My 1 Week Quitting Journey............................($97 Value)

  • 30-Day, Money-Back Guarantee....................................(RISK-FREE)

  • Lifetime Access to Everything_________________________________

  • The "ONLY 2" Method Course.....($497 VALUE)

  • The Course Workbook....................($97 VALUE)

  • Private Discord Community........($297 VALUE)

  • LIVE Weekly Q&A Calls.................($997 VALUE)

  • Coaching Call REPLAYS...............($497 VALUE)

  • BONUS eBook...................................($47 VALUE)

  • BONUS My 1-Week Quit Journey.($97 VALUE)

  • 30-Day, Money-Back Guarantee...(RISK-FREE)

  • Lifetime Access to Everything________________

Total VALUE: $3,026




How do the LIVE coaching calls work?

The LIVE coaching calls are hosted on Zoom each week and will be geared toward the general course curriculum and any issues surrounding vaping & vaping cessation. If he sees it as realting to the goals of the program, Andrew may coach on topics that are not directly related to the course curriculum.

The Zoom invitations are posted in the "Events" section of the program's private Discord Server. Currently, there is one weekly, hour-long call scheduled per week, but more may be added to fit the needs of the growing program. If you would like to make a request to have LIVE calls at a specific time, you can make a request to Andrew directly at or in the Private Discord server.

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What if I still want to vape after completing the program videos?

This program was designed to give you EVERYTHING you need to eliminate your desire to vape. Rememeber that changing behavior and working with cravings/emotions is a skill set that may take a some time to get good at. That is why you will have LIFETIME access to the curriculum, the private Discord community, and the LIVE coaching calls / Q&As.

If you take the time to learn and apply this material, you will become a non-vaper for good.

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How does the money-back guarantee work?

The guarantee is available to anyone who meets the following requirements:

  • Apply for the refund within 30 days of original purchase

  • Have a 100% completion rate on the program curriculum videos

  • Have joined the program Discord and have attended at least 1 LIVE coaching call

  • Complete the 4 Refund Questionnaire PDF questions

*The refund requirements are not designed to convince anyone to stay in the program. They are set to ensure that the program is constantly improving for future students.

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What does LIFETIME access mean?

Lifetime access means that if you purchase the program, you will have access to the complete program which includes the curriculum, the private Discord, and the LIVE coaching calls as long as the program exists. The program has no intneion of termination now or in the near future and expects to maintain a steady increase in students during 2024.

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Can I Join Anonymously?

When purchasing the program, you must use your actual/legal name, address, email, etc. This is to ensure legal, tax, terms, and refunds are accurate. The actual course & curriculum is hosted on a platform called High Level that will not share your purchase information or course enrollment information with anyone else.

However, if you wish to use the private Discord or join the LIVE Coaching calls on Zoom, you can do so anonymously at your own discretion. You can also choose to leave your camera and microphone turned off but if you wish to get coached, you will at least need your microphone turned on, which will be recorded and archived for students to rewatch.

Please be aware that any participation in the course, anonymous or not, can be used and saved for future marketing, promotion, testimonials, etc. If you would like to review the program terms, you can do so here.

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Still Have Questions before you Enroll?

Email me directly at:

2023 | Drift Proof Coaching, LLC | Terms